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        PeacEco Journal

        Wood Sustainable Alternative: Coconut Shells

        Wood Sustainable Alternative: Coconut Shells

        The planet is home to 3 trillion trees. Although, according to many researchs the number is falling very fast.

        Every year 15.3 billion trees are chopped down, and around 46% of the world’s trees have been cleared out over the past 12,000 years.

        Wood has been used for thousands of years for fuel, as a construction material, for making tools and weapons, furniture and paper. More recently it emerged as a feedstock for the production of purified cellulose and its derivatives, such as cellophane and cellulose acetate.

        Unfortunately, humans have been slow to develop sustainable alternatives, partly because wood is necessary for manufacturing many goods.

        The coconut shells is one of the sustainable alternative for wood products. 

        We all know that coconuts can provide a range of yields – from the edible fresh milk and oil, to the coconut coir we can use as a peat compost substitute or mulch in our gardens.

        Coconut shell oil can be used as a medicine for various skin diseases. Activated carbon, manufactured by heating coconut shells at very high temperatures in kilns, is used for purification of fruit juices, vegetable oils, glycerine and jaggery. ... The shells can also be used for making charcoal and coconut shell powder.

        The coconut shells can be composted but unfortunately, they will take a lot longer than most other materials to break down. 

        A coconut shell could also be cleaned up and polished to make a food bowl. It could be used for display purposes 

        If you want to use the coconut shell as a waterproof bowl, to eat from, then you will need to finish it with a coating of linseed oil and mineral spirits. 

        Everything looks and tastes better from a Coconut Bowl. 


        Coconut Oil Soaps & Youthful Skin

        Coconut Oil Soaps & Youthful Skin

        We all want our skin to look smooth & bright like babies.

        One of the best ways for our skin improve is by using coconut oil soap.

        Coconut oil can help us prevent aging & treat damaged skin, that is to be rich in Vitamin E and other nutrients, provide your skin nutrients to treat damage & to repair of your skin cells.

        With the consistent use of coconut oil soap, your skin will stay nourished.  A nourished skin will help you look youthful. It is said to help lessen and delay the appearance of skin sagging and wrinkles. With it, your skin might stay firmer and stronger.

        Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which are a form of saturated fat. In fact, these medium-chain fatty acids make up about 65% of its total composition. 

        The fatty acids found in coconut oil include :

        • Lauric acid: 49%
        • Myristic acid: 18%
        • Caprylic acid: 8%
        • Palmitic acid: 8%
        • Capric acid: 7%
        • Oleic acid: 6%
        • Linoleic acid: 2%
        • Stearic acid: 2%

         Let's stay healthy & younger with the most natural way!

        Plastic Food Containers & Infertility

        Plastic Food Containers & Infertility

        In our modern everyday life we come into contact with many different chemicals through the products we use, the food we eat, and the air we breathe.

        Studies have found that certain chemicals in plastic can leach out of the plastic and into the food and beverages we eat. Some of these chemicals have been linked to health problems such as metabolic disorders (including obesity) and reduced fertility that a particular group of chemicals called endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can have negative effects on female and male reproductive health. If you are planning a pregnancy, are already pregnant, or have small children here is what you need to know about EDCs and how to reduce exposure to them.

        An incredible initiative that hopes to replace all plastics with more biodegradable alternatives, made from plants. 

        The coconut bowl is one of the best alternative which is smooth on the inside. And the idea of eating out of nature is kind of fall in love which is transported to a tropical paradise when you eat out of this!

        The gorgeous things to put in the coconut bowls include:

        • Stir fries
        • Sushi rice
        • Granola
        • Smoothie bowls
        • Desserts
        • Curries
        • Salads
        • Yoghurt & fruit
        • Hummus
        • Guacamole.

        These bowls are designed to accommodate cold item.